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Unparalleled in the Jewish philanthropic world, Jewish National Fund-USA’s strategic vision has been, and always will be, to ensure a strong, secure, and prosperous future for the land and people of Israel.

Everything we do – every project, initiative, and campaign we take on – is integral to our vision of building and connecting to our land. We plant trees, build houses and parks, source water solutions, support fire and rescue services, and improve the lives of people with special needs. We boost tourism, support aliyah (immigration to Israel), promote Zionist education and engagement, build medical and trauma centers, fund agricultural and culinary research, and run high school study abroad programs in Israel. 


We do all these things because each project, each program, and each partnership is consistent with our strategic vision – population growth in the north and south, connecting the next generation to Israel, infrastructure development, ecology, forestation, heritage preservation, and more. 


Be part of the continued development of Israel, a hub for innovation and home to our history. Join philanthropists, community members, families, and businesses to raise awareness and capital with our virtual and in-person programs. For more information on getting involved with JNF-USA, call 305.682.0025 x897 or visit jnf.org. Follow us on Facebook at JNF-USA South Florida for the latest updates.


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