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Joshua Muravchik

Travels from DC


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Joshua Muravchik is a distinguished academic and policy expert, who is a fellow at the DC-based World Affairs Institute and an adjunct professor at the Institute of World Politics. He has written several books, including Making David Into Goliath: How the World Turned Against Israel, and has published hundreds of articles in national papers and journals, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, the International Herald Tribune, and Foreign Affairs. Mr. Muravchik served as a member of the State Department’s Advisory Committee on Democracy Promotion, the Commission on Broadcasting to the People's Republic of China, and the Maryland State Advisory Committee of the United States Commission on Civil Rights. He is on the board of trustees of Freedom House, a U.S. based NGO that conducts research and advocacy on democracy, political freedom, and human rights.


  • US-Israel Relations

  • Middle Eastern Relations

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