Making Israel Accessible

LOTEM Stands with Israel: Israel Resilience Campaign Activity
· Continues to serve Israelis with disabilities across the country so that they are not forgotten in these difficult times, including individuals with disabilities from evacuated communities and their families
· Offering distance/virtual learning for students with disabilities, as well as working with educational systems to organize educational activities
LOTEM soldiers are stationed in several hotels and kibbutzim hosting evacuees to provide 24/7 support for those who need it (not only those with disabilities) The Ministry of Welfare has actually outsourced the assistance of families and children with disabilities to LOTEM LOTEM teams are in 25 different locations and communities where staff are staying and helping people and families with disabilities (again, this, like all activities requires funding)
LOTEM: Everyday Work
Understanding the vital role that the outdoors plays in Israelis’ lives, JNF-USA affiliate LOTEM, provides children and adults with special needs the opportunity to participate in outdoor activities all across the country, through accessible hikes, educational programs, nature clubs, accessibility at heritage sites, and more.
Funding Opportunities
A safe and restorative day-long experience outdoors for mothers and their children who are victims of domestic violence that includes hiking, cooking, and art workshops that help promote trust and self confidence.
A weekly social and educational in-school program allows individuals who cannot leave their indoor environments on a regular basis to come closer to nature in a fun, creative, and informal learning environment.
LOTEM’s In-Service Training Center trains professionals from government, private sectors, high-tech and service industries, as well as medical and educational fields how best to integrate those with special needs into Israeli society.
Trips are customized to the needs of the students, with a strong emphasis on sensory learning, baking bread and seasoning it with herbs, and making olive oil by picking the olives and grinding them using a physically accessible olive press wheel.
For other giving levels and donation opportunities for LOTEM please contact Celine Leeds at cleeds@jnf.org