Latest Stories

Tania Pons Allon, Jamila Abu Qaf, Michal Uziyahu, Ofir Reuven, Doreet Freedman, Pauli Billya, Maayan Gadish Gross, Talia Tzour Avner, Michal Shiloah Galnoor, and Noa Zer (back to front, left to right)
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Current Cover Story

Women of Hope

Jewish National Fund-USA works with extraordinary people every day; the events of October 7 showed a strength even they didn’t know they possessed.
By Judy Lash Balint
Summer 2024 | June 20, 2024
The Munwes family sought respite three hours south of Jerusalem in Paran on October 8, before eventually deciding to relocate there.
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Coming Home to Israel's South

Their reasons may be different, yet the end result is the same: Three families choose their forever homes in Israel’s south. These are our 21st century Zionist pioneers.
By Tania Shalom Michaelian
Summer 2024 | June 23, 2024
Izzy Sussman (left), Bella Jenis (center), and Rae Mintz (right) in Israel
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Even Now, High School Students Choose to Study In Israel

A semester like no other
By Debbie Paneth
Summer 2024 | June 20, 2024
Danielle Hankin and Ian Sachs
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Here's to Our Future

Young Jewish leaders making a big impact in the wake of October 7
By Jennifer Korn
Summer 2024 | June 20, 2024
Fred and Elaine Zeilberger
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Planned Giving

A Survivor Stands for Israel

By Zachary DuBow
Summer 2024 | June 18, 2024
Noa, Ula, and Merle
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Women for Israel

"A Family Affair" for Three Generations of Horwitz and Zusman Women Standing Up for Israel, Together

By Ryan Torok
Summer 2024 | June 18, 2024
Mara Ginsberg
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Campaign All-Star

A Lifelong Connection to Our Jewish Homeland

Campaign All Star Mara Ginsberg
By Jennifer Korn
Summer 2024 | June 17, 2024
Cammy Bourcier
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Culinary Pioneers: Nourishing Resilience Amidst Conflict

Despite ongoing challenges in Israel, the inaugural class of Jewish National Fund-USA’s Galilee Culinary Institute will relish every bite of their new adventure
By Tania Shalom Michaelian
Summer 2024 | June 17, 2024
Aviva Klompas
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Global Speakers Bureau Aims to Educate a Growing Audience

By Zachary DuBow
Summer 2024 | June 17, 2024
World Zionist Village is projected to be built by 2028.
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World Zionist Village

Bringing the World Zionist Village to Life

By Ira Green, CEO, World Zionist Village
Summer 2024 | June 17, 2024
Norman Weiss helps out on a volunteer mission to Israel
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Love for Israel Knows No Age

If you will it, you can do it!
By Zachary DuBow
Summer 2024 | June 17, 2024
Fire and rescue services keep Israelis safe throughout the country.
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Dispatches from Israel

Dispatch from Israel: Jewish National Fund-USA and the Israel Fire and Rescue Authority

By Jennifer Korn
Summer 2024 | June 17, 2024


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